Sunday Stamps: Pinocchio

Italy – 1954 Pinocchio 25 lire stamp in honor of Carlo Lorenzini from Collodi who created the story of Pinocchio.

Other than three sheets retained by the Italian Post Office, the majority were destroyed, with about 20 mint and two favour cancelled examples remaining.

A favour cancellation, or hand-back or cancelled to order postage stamp,  is a stamp the issuing postal service has cancelled (marked as used), but has not traveled through the post, but instead gets handed back to a stamp collector or dealer.

I framed my stamp as it is one of my favorite stamps:

Linked to Sunday Stamps


  1. ooh, I love those frames! I have some old Ikea frames I use for my favourite stamps but they do tend to slip a little over time. I wonder why so many of these stamps were destroyed.


    • I remember many years ago many Florence’s artworks got damaged by a major flood. Maybe the same happened to these stamp. Collodi is also in Tuscany. ..


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